WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9976 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::TI3WTI-5 :Valea Adâncă in h clear sky T:21.58C,W6@1.88,H35,P1023hPa,rain 0mm,{NW
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::TI3WTI-5 :clouds 0 %{NX
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9977 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9977 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9977 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9977 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9977 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9977 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :Fort McMurray in h overcast clouds T:11.99C,W236@1.44,H62,P1005hPa,{NY
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :rain 0mm,clouds 100 %{NZ
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :Fort McMurray in h overcast clouds T:11.99C,W236@1.44,H62,P1005hPa,{OA
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :rain 0mm,clouds 100 %{OB
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9979 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :Kinosis in h clear sky T:9.57C,W279@1.94,H38,P1004hPa,rain 0mm,clou{OC
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :Sun Valley in 2024-09-19 18:00:00 overcast clouds T:19.77C Tmin 19.{OE
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :52,Tmax 19.77,W166@2.51,H73,P1013hPa,rain 0mm,snow 0mm,clouds 100 %{OF
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9983 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :Fort McMurray in h broken clouds T:17.6C,W68@0.66,H42,P1003hPa,rain{OG
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 : 0mm,clouds 80 %{OH
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9984 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9984 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :Fort McMurray in h scattered clouds T:16.81C,W68@0.66,H42,P1003hPa,{OI
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::VE6SVN-9 :rain 0mm,clouds 40 %{OJ
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN1 :Send a message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN2 :see https://sites.google.com/site/ki6wjp/wxbot
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1::BLN0 :WxBot 1.22 RO weather forecast via APRS message.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:=4709.20N/02733.72E?WxBot 1.22. Use 'help' command 9985 served
WXYO>APRS,qAS,YO8KOM-1:>Testing Send an APRS message to WXYO for a weather forecast at your location.