LZ2PCB-5 messages

fromtotime message
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/20 00:54:42z Send another FORTUNE.If opportunity came disguised as temptation, one knock would be enough.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/20 00:08:11z Send another FORTUNE.Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 23:06:09z Send another FORTUNE.People who take cold baths never have rheumatism, but they have cold baths.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 21:33:09z Send another FORTUNE."Ninety percent of baseball is half mental." -- Yogi Berra
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 21:17:39z Send another FORTUNE.Entropy isn't what it used to be.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 21:02:10z Send another FORTUNE."May your future be limited only by your dreams." -- Christa McAuliffe
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 20:31:09z Send another FORTUNE.I'm ZIPPY the PINHEAD and I'm totally committed to the festive mode.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 20:15:38z Send another FORTUNE.The best thing that comes out of Iowa is I-80.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 19:29:11z Send another FORTUNE.Bucy's Law: Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 19:13:40z Send another FORTUNE.You have a will that can be influenced by all with whom you come in contact.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 18:58:11z Send another FORTUNE.A few hours grace before the madness begins again.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 18:42:39z Send another FORTUNE.A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 18:27:11z Send another FORTUNE.Lay off the muses, it's a very tough dollar. -- S. J. Perelman
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 18:11:39z Send another FORTUNE.I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 17:56:12z Send another FORTUNE.Successful and fortunate crime is called virtue. -- Seneca
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 17:40:39z Send another FORTUNE.The mosquito exists to keep the mighty humble.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 17:25:11z Send another FORTUNE.He knew the tavernes well in every toun. -- Geoffrey Chaucer
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 16:54:13z Send another FORTUNE.If you think before you speak the other guy gets his joke in first.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 16:38:42z Send another FORTUNE.Have you locked your file cabinet?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 16:23:09z Send another FORTUNE.Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. -- Plato
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 15:52:09z Send another FORTUNE.I will make you shorter by the head. -- Elizabeth I
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 15:21:09z Send another FORTUNE.I'm going to raise an issue and stick it in your ear. -- John Foreman
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 14:50:09z Send another FORTUNE.Boy! Eucalyptus!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 14:03:40z Send another FORTUNE.Support your local church or synagogue. Worship at Bank of America.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 13:48:09z Send another FORTUNE.Don't make a big deal out of everything; just deal with everything.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 13:32:40z Send another FORTUNE.Predestination was doomed from the start.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 12:46:11z Send another FORTUNE.When you were born, a big chance was taken for you.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 11:59:41z Send another FORTUNE.Many a family tree needs trimming.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 11:44:10z Send another FORTUNE.The first version always gets thrown away.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 11:28:42z Send another FORTUNE.There's nothing like good food, good wine, and a bad girl.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 10:42:09z Send another FORTUNE.You must dine in our cafeteria. You can eat dirt cheap there!!!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 09:55:41z Send another FORTUNE.Will this never-ending series of PLEASURABLE EVENTS never cease?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 09:40:12z Send another FORTUNE.It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 08:22:44z Send another FORTUNE.Using TSO is like kicking a dead whale down the beach. -- S. C. Johnson
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 07:51:40z Send another FORTUNE.Normal times may possibly be over forever.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 07:36:10z Send another FORTUNE.Quantum Mechanics is God's version of "Trust me."
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 07:20:40z Send another FORTUNE."Success covers a multitude of blunders." -- George Bernard Shaw
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 07:05:10z Send another FORTUNE.Those who don't know, talk. Those who don't talk, know.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 06:49:40z Send another FORTUNE.Look afar and see the end from the beginning.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 06:34:11z Send another FORTUNE.The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 06:03:10z Send another FORTUNE.New crypt. See /usr/news/crypt.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 05:47:40z Send another FORTUNE.Tis man's perdition to be safe, when for the truth he ought to die.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 05:01:13z Send another FORTUNE.The way some people find fault, you'd think there was some kind of reward.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 04:14:40z Send another FORTUNE.FUN is never having to say you're SUSHI!!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 02:57:10z Send another FORTUNE.Sweater, n.: A garment worn by a child when its mother feels chilly.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 02:41:44z Send another FORTUNE.Love your neighbour, yet don't pull down your hedge. -- Benjamin Franklin
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 01:55:11z Send another FORTUNE.Imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 01:24:14z Send another FORTUNE.The farther you go, the less you know. -- Lao Tsu, "Tao Te Ching"
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 01:08:40z Send another FORTUNE.Twenty Percent of Zero is Better than Nothing. -- Walt Kelly
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 00:37:44z Send another FORTUNE."We will bury you." -- Nikita Kruschev
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/19 00:22:11z Send another FORTUNE. where am I and what am I doing in this handbasket?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 23:51:11z Send another FORTUNE.Memory fault -- brain fried
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 22:49:11z Send another FORTUNE.No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. -- William Blake
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 22:33:41z Send another FORTUNE.I'll give you a definite maybe. -Samuel Goldwyn
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 22:18:11z Send another FORTUNE.Yow! It's a hole all the way to downtown Burbank!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 21:47:11z Send another FORTUNE.He who slings mud generally loses ground. -- Adlai Stevenson
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 21:16:11z Send another FORTUNE.Computer programs expand so as to fill the core available.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 21:00:41z Send another FORTUNE.A long-forgotten loved one will appear soon. Buy the negatives at any price.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 20:45:11z Send another FORTUNE.Artistic ventures highlighted. Rob a museum.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 20:29:42z Send another FORTUNE.Sorry never means having your say to love.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 19:58:41z Send another FORTUNE.Trying to get an education here is like trying to get a drink from a fire hose.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 19:43:12z Send another FORTUNE.Look! A ladder! Maybe it leads to heaven, or a sandwich!
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 19:27:42z Send another FORTUNE.What is the sound of one hand clapping?
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 19:12:14z Send another FORTUNE.The program isn't debugged until the last user is dead.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 18:25:44z Send another FORTUNE.Lieberman's Law: Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 18:10:12z Send another FORTUNE.Laughing at you is like drop-kicking a wounded humming bird.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 17:08:12z Send another FORTUNE.There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 16:21:41z Send another FORTUNE.I B M U B M We all B M For I B M!!!! -- H.A.R.L.I.E.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 15:04:11z Send another FORTUNE.Power is danger. -- The Centurion, "Balance of Terror", stardate 1709.2
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 14:48:41z Send another FORTUNE.Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 14:33:11z Send another FORTUNE.I know it all. I just can't remember it all at once.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 14:17:41z Send another FORTUNE.To be a kind of moral Unix, he touched the hem of Nature's shift. -- Shelley
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 13:46:42z Send another FORTUNE.Men live for three things, fast cars, fast women and fast food.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 13:31:11z Send another FORTUNE.It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 13:15:41z Send another FORTUNE.The mome rath isn't born that could outgrabe me. -- Nicol Williamson
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 13:00:12z Send another FORTUNE."The chain which can be yanked is not the eternal chain." -- G. Fitch
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 12:44:44z Send another FORTUNE.Put your brain in gear before starting your mouth in motion.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 12:13:46z Send another FORTUNE.Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 11:42:41z Send another FORTUNE.Watch your mouth, kid, or you'll find yourself floating home. -- Han Solo
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 11:11:41z Send another FORTUNE.Punning is the worst vice, and there's no vice versa.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 10:56:14z Send another FORTUNE.He who laughs last usually had to have joke explained.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 10:40:41z Send another FORTUNE.Life is one long struggle in the dark. -- Titus Lucretius Carus
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 10:25:13z Send another FORTUNE.Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 09:54:13z Send another FORTUNE.If you wish to succeed, consult three old people.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 08:21:12z Send another FORTUNE.The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it. -- Abbie Hoffman
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 08:05:42z Send another FORTUNE.Do not meddle in the affairs of troff, for it is subtle and quick to anger.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 06:48:13z Send another FORTUNE.It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles being too tired.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 06:17:13z Send another FORTUNE.Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. -- Oscar Wilde
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 03:57:46z Send another FORTUNE.There is no fool to the old fool. -- John Heywood
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 01:53:44z Send another FORTUNE.Hardware, n.: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 01:22:45z Send another FORTUNE.Slippery when wet.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/18 00:51:42z Send another FORTUNE.It would save me a lot of time if you just gave up and went mad now.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 23:34:13z Send another FORTUNE.A modem is a baudy house.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 23:03:12z Send another FORTUNE.You can never trust a woman; she may be true to you.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 22:47:42z Send another FORTUNE.Everything takes longer, costs more, and is less useful. -- Erwin Tomash
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 21:14:42z Send another FORTUNE.The time is right to make new friends.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 20:43:42z Send another FORTUNE.Atlanta: An entire city surrounded by an airport.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 20:28:14z Send another FORTUNE.I've only got 12 cards.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 19:57:13z Send another FORTUNE.Slous' Contention: If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.
LZ2PCB-5 LZ2PCB-7 09/17 19:41:45z Send another FORTUNE.If your mother knew what you're doing, she'd probably hang her head and cry.